Viglacera continues leading in “high technology” construction material manufacturing with Made in Vietnam energy-saving glass

04:42 | 09/10/2015

On 09/10/2015, Viglacera Corporation - JSC received certificate for application of high technology production line for its Energy-saving glass project, and organized a signing ceremony for a credit contract with Vietnam Development Bank and an EP contract of supplying equipment and technology, design and engineering services with contractor Von Ardenne GmbH (Germany) for a project located in Tan Dong Hiep Production Zone, Di An, Binh Duong. This is another important milestone of Viglacera marking its pioneering role in implementing guidelines and policies of the State in developing new high-tech, environmental friendly products, and affirms proactive steps to restructure product mix in order to improve competitiveness and meet the needs of use of green, sustainable products in building materials industry in VN. Viglacera energy saving glass products will replace imported products and boost export to the world, actively prepare for an integrated "playground" as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and other bilateral and multilateral Trade Agreements which will come into effect in up coming time. Particularly, this type of product will solve the problem of energy saving for consumers by saving 30-40% of energy costs for air conditioning.

General Director of Viglacera Corporation - JSC Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan and Director of Transaction I - Vietnam Development Bank Mr. Le Minh Trong signed a credit contract for the project

Attending the ceremony were Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Le Quang Hung, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Mr. Cao Quoc Hung, Leaders of functional departments from Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Science and Technology, and representatives of Vietnam Development Bank, Board of Directors of Transaction Center I - Vietnam Development Bank, and Board of Directors of Viglacera Corporation – JSC.

Director of Project Management Unit of Energy-saving glass production lines Mr. Nguyen Minh Khoa and Representatives of Von Ardenne (Germany) signed the EP contract of supplying equipment and technology

Accordingly, Vietnam Development Bank will support investment credits for projects worth 350 billion VND while contractor Von Ardenne GmbH from Germany will provide design, technical documentation, goods, assembly of production lines in compliance with design, technology transfer, training and technical support for Viglacera. Von Ardenne GmbH is the world's leading company in coating equipment and technology.

Mr. Hans-Christian Hecht – Chief Technology Officer of Von Ardenne GmbH (Germany) spoke at the ceremony

Mr. Hans-Christian Hecht - Chief Technology Officer of Von Ardenne GmbH (Germany) representing the contractor said: "Vietnam was a pioneer in manufacturing this type of product. Viglacera’s energy-saving glass production line is the first project to be invested in Southeast Asia. This is very important and we as a supplier of coating line have been providing 50+ coating lines all over the world. We commit to make our best effort to develop high-tech technology and equipment for the coating system. Also, I hope that the long-term cooperation with Viglacera would have been a great success in the future."

Viglacera energy saving glass production line is a "High-Tech" project was approved by the Prime Minister on 13.01.2015 and given a certificate for application of high technology by Ministry of Science and Technology under Decision No. 2456/QD-BKHCN on 22/09/2015.

Director of Project Management Unit of Energy-saving glass production lines Mr. Nguyen Minh Khoa introduced the project

The project was invested by Viglacera with a capacity of 5,000,000m2/year, including two investment phases: Phase I with 2,300,000m2/year production lines in Tan Dong Hiep production zone, Di An - Binh Duong; Phase 2 with production lines expected between 2,300,000 - 2,700,000m2/year, in Bac Ninh province. Viglacera plans to complete phase 1 in 2015 with the goal of bringing the "Made in Viet Nam" energy-saving glass to market later this year. To prepare for stable and efficient energy-saving glass production, Viglacera has currently produced the best glass in Vietnam, reaching European standards, at Viglacera Float Glass Factory (Di An - Binh Duong).

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Mr. Cao Quoc Hung spoke at the ceremony

Talking about the project, on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Deputy Minister Cao Quoc Hung said Viglacera’s energy-saving glass project is the first high-technology project with approval for credit loans from the State development investment credit sources. This is a project of Viglacera and also a pioneering project in high technology application into production.

Solar Control and Low-E Glass are products of energy saving glass production lines which Viglacera intends to invest in

Energy-saving glass is a new construction material in Vietnam, but in the world, most of the great construction works are using this type of glass. In fact, this type of glass not only brings optimum utility, contributing to the value of buildings, but also brings greater, long-term effectiveness to investors. According to experts in construction industry, the use of energy-saving glass will bring energy efficiency solutions.

Energy-saving glass is a high-performance glass, processed from float glass with ultra-thin coating layers on the surface, and has capability to meet the requirements of usage, transparency, and colors. In addition, low emission, small thermal conductivity are advantage specifications of this glass in minimizing environmental heat transfer between inside and outside through glass wall system, thereby saving energy costs for air-conditioning from 30-40% while still maintaining cooling in the summer and heating in winter.

Member of Communist Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung spoke at the ceremony

Member of Communist Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung said: High buildings will have to spend a lot of energy to ensure stable operations for the building. Thus, the use of energy-saving glass in place of normal glass will significantly reduce energy consumption for buildings. Energy-saving glass will be products which possesses the most advanced features in the building material products.

He also confirmed that the Ministry of Construction is supporting the development orientation of Viglacera Corporation towards developing high-performance, energy saving and environmentally friendly products, because this is the inevitable trend for the development of building materials in the country.

According to the contract signed between Von Ardenne GmbH and Viglacera, Viglacera energy saving glass will be manufactured using soft coatings, because soft coated glass will have more advantage features than hard-coated glass, more suitable for the climate of Vietnam and general trend of the world. Solar Control glass and Low - E glass from this project will ensure the effective use for North - South climate.

Director of Project Management Unit of Energy-saving glass production lines Mr. Nguyen Minh Khoa signed an consumption agreement of energy saving glass products with Eurowindow JSC and Sado – Group JSC

Also at the ceremony, Viglacera Corporation has signed an an consumption agreement of energy saving glass products with Eurowindow JSC and Sado – Group JSC.

Commenting on energy saving glass’ features as well as its markets, general director of Eurowindow JSC Mr. Nguyen Canh Hong said: energy-saving glass has been used a lot in developed countries. For Vietnamese markets recent years, economics and especially construction & infrastructure have developed strongly, the application of energy-saving glass is getting more common. However, the entire amount of this type of glass is currently 100% imported. Viglacera’s investment decision of energy-saving glass will change the position of Vietnam glass industry. Currently, among the total number of Eurowindow glass, Low-E coated glass stands for about 25-30% and is particularly recognized by investors. Since the application of environmental coated glass in Vietnam is very consistent, despite the high initial investment, it will bring long-term economic results.

Mr. Dao Quang Truong - Deputy General Director of Vietnam Development Bank - VDB spoke at the ceremony

Implementation of product restructure plan to create competitiveness for Viglacera, to meet needs of sustainable building materials and export demands are inevitable. After signing the contract with the contractor Von Ardenne GmbH (Germany), which has nearly 90 years of development, and having credit investments of the State through the Vietnam Development Bank, Viglacera is ready to deploy the project to bring to consumers quality products, and to solve the problem of energy efficiency.


Solar Control Glass is coated glass with metal coatings without silver, so that it should not be installed monolayer without affecting the durability of the coating. Solar Control Glass is capable of preventing the amount of light that the human eye can see from sunlight between about 5 - 95%; for energy from sunlight up to 79% and especially with the ultraviolet light, the ability to prevent is up to 99%.

Beside basic features as in Solar Control glass, Low - E glass is coated with layers containing silver and has features suitable for cold weather of winter. Low - E glass ensures most of the sunlight that the naked eye can see to illuminate the inside of the house and avoid loss of heat from the indoor to the outside. Thus, if Solar Control Glass saves energy by reducing the heat from outside into the house to minimize the cost of using the air conditioning to cool the room, Low – E glass saves energy by reducing energy consumption from using a fireplace the room.

Soft coating (offline coating) technology is a coating method by vacuum deposition technology for physical deposition (PVD). This coating is a collection of coated films performed under vacuum conditions, including emission of positive ions from many different metals. Metal ions impact with ions from gases such as Argon, Nitrogen and Oxygen to create different mixtures which result to creation a mechanical link between coating layer and background. Because the coating process by physical evaporation deposition technology taken place in a vacuum environment, it is called sputtering process. Soft coating has an advantage of diverse product categories; Technical parameters for energy are better than those from hard coated glass; ensuring transparency of the glass; ability to adjust light transmission of products as required by works or climates; flexibility in switching products, but the drawback is durability of the coating is not high, mainly used in a glass box with strict requirements when processing.


Some other pictures at the ceremony:

Visiting delegations invited traditional Viglacera Corporation - Corporation

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