VIGLACERA with 10 outstanding events in 2016

02:55 | 30/12/2016

The year 2016 marked great success of Viglacera in business activities, investments, privatization and raising the quality of human resources, continue to maintain its position as a pioneer in Vietnam building materials industry.

1. Viglacera exceeds business and production targets adopted by AGM 2016.

Viglacera Corporation JSC – No.1 Thang Long Avenue, Hanoi

In 2016, Viglacera’s main business and production targets reach and exceed the plan drawn up. Its consolidated profit before taxes is estimated at a figure of VND 725 billion, rose by 38% compared to 2015. The profit before tax of the parent company is estimated at VND 400 billion, rose by 43% compared to the plan commited to GSM. Viglacera’s dividend is expected to pay at above 7% committed to GSM.

Total revenue is estimated at VND 16,150 billion, a 12% increase compared to 2015. The consolidated revenue of corporation is estimated at VND 8,300 billion, a 4% increase compared to 2015. The revenue of parent company is estimated at VND 3,700 billion, rose by 4.2% compared to 2015.

2. Viglacera's stocks (VGC) was officially listed on HNX.

Chairman of the Board of Management, Mr. Luyen Cong Minh stroke the gong to open the first transaction of VGC

On the morning of 22nd December 2016, VGC was officially listed on Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), with capitalization value VND 4912 billion, 75% higher than when it was first listed on UPCom. The total volume of Viglacera’s stocks (VGC) listed on HNX is more than 65 million, equivalent to VND 650 billion. The reference price for the initial public offering is VND 15,600 per stock.

Viglacera’s current registered charter capital is VND 3,070 billion; and its actually-contributed charter capital is VND 3,070 billion. In detail, the State (represented by the Ministry of Construction) holds 78.82% stake; foreign shareholders hold 9.16% stake; domestic organizations and individuals hold 12.02% stake.

3. Viglacera successfully produced the first square meters of energy glass in Vietnam

Viglacera's energy-saving glass production lines project officially put into operation and produced the first square meters of glasses to Vietnamese market on July 25, 2016 in Binh Duong.

Viglacera inaugurated low-e Glass factory (25/7/2016) – the first square meters of glasses offered to the market which are produced by a Vietnam enterprise.

Viglacera's energy-saving glass production lines project was approved as "high technology" project by the Prime Minister on January 13, 2015 and a certificate for high technology application was issued in accordance with Decision No. 2456/QĐ-BKHCN of Ministry of Science and Technology on September 22, 2015. With the scale of 5.000.000m2/year, the project was developed in two phases: Phase I: Production line with capacity of 2.300.000m2/year in Tan Dong Hiep Site – Di An – Binh Duong and Phase 2: Production lines with expected capacity of 2,3 – 2,7.000.000m2/year in Bacninh province. In particular, Von Ardenne GmbH – a selected contractor by Viglacera with nearly 90 years of experience, is the world’s leading corporations in equipment and coating technology.

Viglacera’s energy-efficient glass can save up to 45% of electricity consumed by air-conditioners and protect human health by blocking 99% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

4. Viglacera is formally recognized as Center for UK proskill standards and assessment.

Passed by Proskills Council, The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL - GOV.UK) grants permit for establishing “Vigalcera Vocational Assessing Center".

On June 20, passed by Proskills UK, OFQUAL - an agency of GOV.UK grants Viglacera the permit for establishing “Viglacera Vocational Assessing Center”. After having graduated, Viglacera’s trainees will be assessed and proposed for OFQUAL UK to achieve vocational certificate that is recognized by the UK government. The certificate will open up employment opportunities for labors working in organizations and enterprises coming from other advanced countries in the region such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hongkong, Australia, New Zealand… as well as vocational training opportunities for labors coming from other advanced countries.

Moreover, Viglacera has fulfilled the task assigned by General Department of Vocational Training and it becomes a leading unit for vocational certificate granting and training in not only ASEAN but also Asian & world level. On the same day, more than 100 trainees are issued international vocational certificate recognized by Proskills Council.

5. The consecutive 3rd time, Viglacera has been honored “National Brand” and many national and international prestigious awards.

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh and Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh gave Logo “National Brand 2016” for Deputy General Director Nguyen Minh Tuan – representative of Viglacera Corporation JSC

Once again, Viglacera was named with the title “National Brand 2016”. This is the consecutive 3rd time that Viglacera receives this award. National brand program is the unique program implemented by Vietnam Government for a purpose of promoting the country’s image via product branding. Logo for National Brand has title Vietnam Value which is given to the product having its own brand, meeting criteria stipulated by the program. Enterprises achieving national brand have been developed results to continue pursuing value of the Program that are Quality – Innovation, Creativity – Pioneer Capability.

Besides, in 2016, Viglacera also received other prestigious awards such as: Vietnam Excellent Brand for 7 consecutive years, Green Brand Award and in the top 10 best real estate investors.

With all honors and awards, Viglacera continues to confirm firm position of the leading enterprise in building materials industry and real estate in Vietnam, from which to continue to promote the image, build brand reputation in the world.

6. Viglacera keeps focusing on investment in industrial zone infrastructure with 10 industrial zones across the country


Groundbreaking ceremony of the expanded construction of Yen Phong Industrial Zone

Right from the beginning of the year, Viglacera started its strategy to strongly invest in the industrial park infrastructure by the groundbreaking of construction of Tien Hai – Thai Binh Industrial Park Phase I with area of 31,79ha, total investment of VND 174 billion. The next is the groundbreaking of the expanded construction of Yen Phong Industrial Zone on November 7/3. Expanded Yen Phong Industrial Zone covers an area of 314 hectares in Yen Phong Industrial Zone - Bac Ninh province. Yen Phong Industrial Zone Phase I is currently being evaluated as a model industrial zone which attracts the largest investment of the country, worth nearly $ 8 billion, contributed 20% of national exports with USD 28 billion in 2015.

Groundbreaking ceremony of Dong Van IV Industrial Park in Ha Nam Province

And most recently, On November 11, 2016, the groundbreaking ceremony of Dong Van IV Industrial Park was taken place by Viglacera Corporation JSC. Dong Van IV IP – Viglacera has two phases with a total area of 600 ha. At the beginning, Viglacera implements Phase I, equivalent of 300 ha, located in Kim Bang District, Ha Nam Province. Dong Van IV IP is a key project of Viglacera Corporation JSC and Ha Nam Province in the year 2016 - 2017, with the project goal of successfully attracts major investors in the field of electronics and high-tech industry.

With the launching of three new industrial zones development, Viglacera is holding 10 industrial zones across the country with a total area of 3,580ha and is one of the largest and most successful industrial zone investors.

7. Viglacera invested in a joint venture to produce building materials and hotel services in Cuba.

With the aim of being multinational, Viglacera Corporation JSC continuously pushes up its international cooperation in many areas. In particular, taking advantage of intimate relationship between Vietnam - Cuba, Viglacera quickly promotes cooperation with the Cuban Ministry of Construction as well as other gaint corporations in this country.

Viglacera is stepping up cooperation with foreign partners, its forthcoming plan is to establish a joint venture to produce building materials and hotel services in Cuba.

In the framework of the 34th Inter-governmental meeting between Vietnam - Cuba held in Havana, the Viglacera delegation led by the Viglacera General Director Nguyen Anh Tuan visited Cuba from the 8th - to 23th of November 2016 to continue promoting establishment of the joint venture between Viglacera Corporation and GEICON Group, implemented cooperation with ISLAZU Hotel Group.

On November 23, Viglacera and Geicon Group signed an agreement to push up the process of establishment of a joint venture to produce sanitary ware and ceramic tiles, the joint venture has a charter capital of $ 39,860,000 at a rate of contribution capital 50 - 50. At the same time, Viglacera Corporation and Islazul Hotel Group (the medium and small-hotel Group under Ministry of Tourism of Cuba who currently owns 106 hotels with 10,000 standard rooms throughout the country) have reached an initial agreement by signing of a letter of Intent on cooperation in hotel investment in Cuba. This opened up a huge opportunity for Viglacera to invest in the field of tourist services, which is sure to boom in the future in this beautiful island.

8. Viglacera focus on development of its core business - building materials production - with modern technological lines: Invested in the second line in Viglacera Clinker plant; inaugurated the “Expanded investment in premium Granite Tiles production – 2nd phase – Viglacera Thai Binh factory” project; started construction of a sanitary ware plant in My Xuan, Vung Tau province

Besides high technology projects such as energy-saving glass production line, in 2016 Viglacera also inaugurated and invested in some new building materials factories.

In early 2016, Viglacera launched Planting ceremony, commenced the production expansion phase II of Clinker project. Phase 2 of the project was invested at capacity of 2 million m2/year, increasing the total plant capacity upto 4 million m2 / year. Earlier, in phase 1, Viglacera invested 01 production line with a capacity of 2 million m2 / year. The line went into production with high efficiency; turnover rate of AB/green products is 98%, and that of A1/AB is 93% ÷ 94%.

Leaders of the Ministry of Construction and leaders of Viglacera Corporation-JSC visited the high-end granite production line (2nd phase) of Viglacera Thai Binh plant.

In February 2016, Viglacera Corporation held an inauguration ceremony of the “Expanded investment in premium Granite tiles production – 2nd phase – Viglacera Thai Binh factory” project. The project has a total capacity of 2 million m2 / year specializing in high-end granite product which has outstanding features such as: high-intensity ≥42 N / mm2, low water absorption ≤ 0.2%, high precision, natural pattern, ability to create 3D effects, the edges being trimmed precisely, easy to handle during installation. Especially when combined with nanotechnology, the product has ultra-glossy and ultra waterproof surface. In addition to meeting domestic demands, the product will be exported to European countries, Taiwan, Indonesia and other countries in the world.

Bên cạnh đó, Viglacera đã cách tân bằng việc sử dụng công nghệ in kỹ thuật số và công nghệ in random – in ngẫu nhiên cho phép tạo ra hoa văn phức tạp trên các bề mặt, họa tiết sắc nét, màu sắc sống động tự nhiên, có thể linh hoạt trong thay đổi mẫu mã, phù hợp với nhu cầu sử dụng của khách hàng…

Groundbreaking Ceremony of construction of Viglacera My Xuan Sanitary wares plant

In July, Viglacera held the Groundbreaking Ceremony of construction of Viglacera My Xuan Sanitary wares plant with capacity of 750,000 product / year at My Xuan A Industrial Zone, Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau. This is a big project of Viglacera with the aim to enter deeply in southern markets in this country. Total investment of the project is: VND 481,583,677,000. It is expected that after 9 months of construction, Viglacera will officially offer the market its sanitary wares of international quality, increase output and market share in the potential southern region.

9. Inaugurated the 100% conversion roof-tile production project in Hoanh Bo factory

General Director Nguyen Anh Tuan and former leaders of the Corporation checked products of the project

This is a key investment program focusing on production technology renovation & competitiveness enhancement, in order to improve value of the company. This also opens up a new technology development trend to maintain the company's position at the market.

The 100% conversion roof-tile production project in Hoanh Bo factory has a capacity of 26 million pieces/year (equivalent to 02 kilns) with turnover rate of AB/green product of ≥95%, and that of A1/AB of ≥67%.

10. Viglacera successfully completed investment in Social Housing in Dang Xa - urban area for low-income people.

In 2016, Viglacera has completed investment project of construction of Dang Xa Social Housing. This project spreads over area of 12.7 ha having nearly 3,500 apartments of from 35.8 to 69.5m2 with full amenities such as an elevator, swimming pool, kindergarten, bus other useful services.

A corner of social housing in Dang Xa - Gia Lam - Hanoi

Apartments in Dang Xa Urban Area are finished with energy saving and environmental friendly materials. The lowest price that the company offered is just 8,860,000 VND/m2, so for a flat of 35,8m2, customers have to pay just VND 317 million in total, in addition, customer can apply the loans of 30,000 billion from credit package of the state.

Viglacera’s social housing projects meet the criteria: "Housing for the low-income but not low quality." Housing for low-income people in Dang Xa built by Viglacera Corportation JSC won several prestigious awards: Award “Vietnam Green Architechture 2014”, Award “High Quality Construction Works 2014” and international real estate award for real estate project meet international standard.

Recently on 6th December 2016, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited social housing project at Dang Xa Urban area – Gia Lam – Hanoi. The Prime Minister appreciated effort of Viglacera Corporation JSC in deploying social housing project quickly, quality ensurance with reasonable price. That social housing area of Viglacera Corporation JSC, according to him, is a good social housing model for low-income people and from such model to learn a lesson and replicate over the country.

The year 2016 became a milestone that Viglacera accelerated its development in green growth strategy with hi-tech products, successful listing on HNX stock exchange, keeping focusing in building material production and real estate sectors, especially expanding investment in Cuba. Viglacera has affirmed its position and prestige not only in local but also worldwide.


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